Member Publications

6: Zhao: POSSEVI: Risk-Taking and Trust-building between the U.S. and China on Nuclear Security

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Interests, Cooperation, Confidence, and Trust

There has been a lot of study on trust-building between national states. However, analysts defined the term trust in various ways. What makes things more complicated is the fact that people tended to use a number of related terms – such as trust, confidence, cooperation, and shared interests – in the same line without differentiating their different meanings and without discussing their relationships relative to each other. This makes the task of understanding trust and the mechanism for trust-building even more difficult.


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It is said, “Knowledge is inherently diffusible because of its non-rivalrous-ness, there being no loss of knowledge by those who already have it as it is diffused to others who do not.”   Knowledge relating military technology in general and nuclear weapons in particular does not fit this category.

6: Yin: POSSEVI: An Analysis of China’s No-First-Use Policy

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--the No-First-Use policy and its positive role in establishing the new type of China-US strategic stability

Since US President Obama made his speech in Prague in 2009, the heads of major countries, after one another, have declared their support for the proposal of “a nuclear-free world” and the global efforts in nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation seem to have been on a positive track.  Nuclear disarmament negotiations have returned to their traditional path and the United States and Russia, the two nuclear superpowers, have reached a new treaty on disarmament.  Howev

6: Liu: POSSEVI: Motivations of China’s Nuclear Force Modernization

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Frequent military interventions and regional wars in the post-Cold War years have strengthened the role and position of the military factor in the international relations. This kind international political atmosphere is a major incentive for a number of countries including China, which are not match the values or interests of those countries who often lunched the military actions, to pay higher attention to their own military condition and modernization.

6: Zhong: POSSEVI: Nuclear Non-proliferation, Power Dynamics, and Regional Stability Revisited

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China’s Approach to Address Nuclear Crisis on Korea Peninsula

After the two rounds of nuclear crisis and the incidents of Cheonan sinking and Yeonpyeong shelling, the nuclear deadlock on Korea Peninsula has become one of the most intractable international affairs in the world.

6: Wu: POSSEVI: Why China Should Be Concerned by U.S. Missile Defense?

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And How to Address It?

Although the United States always argues that its ballistic missile defense (BMD) system is not against Russia and China, these two countries have not been convinced and believe that BMD would undermine strategic stability.  This article will discuss the technical and political bases of China’s concerns and how to reach a solution of this dilemma.  First, the intercept capability of U.S. BMD against Chinese strategic missiles will be analyzed, including current Ground-based Missile Defense (GMD) system, Obama administration’s new BMD plan, U.S.

4 Liu POSSEIV: The Limitations of the IAEA in Non-proliferation Area A Case Study of Iran Nuclear Issue

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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been founded as a global organization dedicating to monitor international nuclear activities, prevent nuclear proliferation and safeguard the nuclear peaceful use. Since the time of its coming into being, the Nuclear Safeguards System (NSS), which based on nuclear safeguards provisions of the IAEA and underpinned by nuclear Safeguards Model Agreements & Additional Protocol, has gone through an ever-changing and improving process.

4 Lu POSSEIV: Establishing New China -US Strategic Stability: Opportunities and Challenges

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While the world has entered into the second decade of 21st century, the global strategic pattern, having experienced the post-cold war period, has witnessed the trend of globalization. The international strategic environment has undergone significant changes: cooperation and competition are interwoven among countries and a multi-polar structure has been formed.