Fellowship Opportunities

Nuclear History Boot Camp

The Boot Camp is an intensive, ten-day immersion course in the history of nuclear matters. The program ranges from the evolution of nuclear technology to the origins and development of deterrence theory and nuclear strategy through the historical roots of today’s global nuclear landscape.

Thematic seminars led by world-class historians and leading experts will:

  • fully immerse participants in the world of nuclear history research,
  • explore the international history behind today’s nuclear challenges,
  • foster discussions of the presentations that each participant will offer based on his/her current research

Please see the Nuclear History Boot Camp website for current year's dates and application details.

Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp

The Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Training Program takes place at UC San Diego

Please see the Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp website for current year's dates and application details.

Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship Program

The Program: The Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship (SNSF) Program, made possible by a generous grant from the Stanton Foundation, offers younger scholars studying nuclear security issues the opportunity to spend a period of twelve months at the Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) offices in New York or Washington, DC, conducting policy-relevant research. CFR awards up to three fellowships annually. While in residence full time at CFR, fellows will be expected to lead a project of their own design, conduct original research, and write at least one policy relevant document. The scholars selected as SNSFs will be mentored by the fellows of CFR’s David Rockefeller Studies Program.

Eligibility: Qualified candidates must be junior (non-tenured) faculty, post-doctoral fellows, or pre-doctoral candidates from any discipline who are working on a nuclear security related issue. The program is only open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are eligible to work in the United States. CFR does not sponsor for visas.

Fellowship Award: The program awards a stipend of $110,000 for junior (non-tenured) faculty and $80,000 for post-doctoral fellows. Payment will be made in twelve equal monthly installments. Fellows are considered independent contractors rather than employees of CFR, and are not eligible for employment benefits, including health insurance.

Please see the Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship Program page for current year's dates and deadlines and applciation details.