Official Statement

Gottemoeller: Nuclear Policy and Negotiations in the 21st Century

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Arms Control and International Security: Nuclear Policy and Negotiations in the 21st Century
11/07/2014 01:23 PM EST
Nuclear Policy and Negotiations in the 21st Century

Rose Gottemoeller
Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security
The Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership & Public Policy, University of New Hampshire School of Law
Concord, New Hampshire

US Statement: Gulf Cooperation Council and Ballistic Missile Defense

Publication Categories

Gulf Cooperation Council and Ballistic Missile Defense


Frank A. Rose
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance
Peter Huessy Breakfast Series; Capitol Hill Club
Washington, DC
May 14, 2014


Thank you, Peter, for that kind introduction and for hosting me again at this series.

US Delegation Statement at NPT PrepCom: NPT Cluster 2: Regional Issues

Publication Categories

NPT Cluster 2: Regional Issues

Thomas M. Countryman
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
U.S. Statement at the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference
United Nations, New York City
May 1, 2014

Mr. Chairman,

Twenty Years of Renunciation From Nuclear Weapons by Ukraine: Lessons Learned and Prospects of Nuclear Disarmament

Publication Categories


Twenty Years of Renunciation From Nuclear Weapons by Ukraine: Lessons Learned and Prospects of Nuclear Disarmament

Thomas M. Countryman
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
The Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations
New York City
April 28, 2014



Major General Zhu Chenghu on China's attitudes towards arms control treaties

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On February 5, 2013 at the Emory University China Speaker Series, Major General Zhu Chenhu of the Chinese National Defense University gave this response to my question about Chinese attitudes towards signing arms control treaties.  See below 4 minute video clip from the talk. It raises a number of questions:

What makes a treaty an "unfair" treaty in Chinese eyes?

Other Disarmament Issues and International Security Segment of Thematic Debate in the First Committee of the Sixty-seventh Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Publication Categories

There is now broad recognition among many States, including the United States, that existing international law serves as the appropriate framework applicable to activity in cyberspace in a variety of contexts, including in connection with hostilities. This area of international law involves two related bodies of law.