Major General Zhu Chenghu on China's attitudes towards arms control treaties

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On February 5, 2013 at the Emory University China Speaker Series, Major General Zhu Chenhu of the Chinese National Defense University gave this response to my question about Chinese attitudes towards signing arms control treaties.  See below 4 minute video clip from the talk. It raises a number of questions:

What makes a treaty an "unfair" treaty in Chinese eyes?

Will China adhere exactly to the letter of treaties it signs? Is verification essential in treaties?

How does the Chinese commitment to "non-interference" square with the need to bring countries into the NPT and CTBT with verification?

Why is China not willing to take the lead in negotiating arms control treaties?

If the Chinese public believe that an issue of sovereignty is at stake, can the Chinese leadership sign a treaty on that issues? For example, can the Chinese leadership negotiate and sign a treaty with Japan over the Diaoyu islands?

Video (4 min) >


Emory University China Speaker Series

The U.S.-China Relationship at a Crossroads

February 5, 2013

Major General Zhu Chenghu