November 2012, Vienna
Cornell Project on New Nuclear Order
We are pleased to announce the official launch of a website associated with our project on "Creating Conditions for a Stable Transition to a New Nuclear Order," funded by a grant to Cornell University from the MacArthur Foundation. The new site can be found through the web site of the Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies.
In addition to providing access to the papers and reports generated by the project, the site will have information about project participants, a list of resources on nuclear weapons issues.
Judith Reppy
Catherine M. Kelleher
NPT symposium in New York - April 28, 2015
The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Harvard University's Belfer Center, and the James P. Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute will a one day symposium on the nonproliferation treaty, nuclear disarmament, non proliferation, and nuclear energy in NYC on April 28th. This event will be held on the margins of the 9th Review Conference of the NPT Treaty.