Reclaiming Strategic Stability
When Empire Meets Nationalism. Power Politics in the US and Russia
This innovative study presents an in-depth political and sociological analysis of the internal power politics and imperial forms developed by the Russian neo-eurasianists and the neo-conservatives in the United States. It traces the growth of nationalism and the concept of 'Empire' in relation to the ideologies and foreign policy of both Russia and the USA.
Atomic Assistance: How “Atoms for Peace” Programs Cause Nuclear Insecurity
Nuclear technology is dual use in nature, meaning that it can be used to produce nuclear energy or to build nuclear weapons. Despite security concerns about proliferation, the United States and other nuclear nations have regularly shared with other countries nuclear technology, materials, and knowledge for peaceful purposes. In Atomic Assistance, Matthew Fuhrmann argues that governments use peaceful nuclear assistance as a tool of economic statecraft.
The Nuclear Renaissance and International Security
Interest in nuclear energy has surged in recent years, yet there are risks that accompany the global diffusion of nuclear power—especially the possibility that the spread of nuclear energy will facilitate nuclear weapons proliferation. In this book, leading experts analyze the tradeoffs associated with nuclear energy and put the nuclear renaissance in historical context, evaluating both the causes and the strategic effects of nuclear energy development.
This book embraces the topics analyzed under the joint project implemented by the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) and the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Inc. (NTI) and titled “Russia and the Deep Nuclear Disarmament”.
NUCLEAR RESET: Arms Reduction and Nonproliferation
The book has been written by leading Russian military and disarmament experts within the framework of the Carnegie Moscow Center’s Nonproliferation program. The authors focus on nuclear arms and strategies, and the reduction and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as on a broad spectrum of related issues, such as: banning nuclear tests, prohibiting the production of fissile materials, preventing the weaponization of space, and introducing controls on precision-guided weapons.