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A Normalized Dragon: Constructing China's Security Identity
Chris Ogden
Pacific Focus
Volume 28, Issue 2, pages 243–268, August 2013
What has structured Chinese security practice over the last 100 years since the Xinhai (1911) Revolution? Moreover, what are the ideational principles and norms that have influenced China's international relations? Employing an analytical framework concerning norm creation (security identity), this article details how different norms originated, became established and subsequently served to orientate Chinese foreign policy behavior. Such a process has been critically informed by China's international interaction, learning and experience across the last 100 years, revealing how past relations can inform present and future conduct. Undertaking an analysis in this fashion implies not so much how a state should behave but instead indicates the broad continuities structuring its security practice. From the focus upon security identity (which gives ideational rather than structural explanations of security behavior), our analysis rests upon the elucidation of three inter-related normative sources. China's international interaction and internal political developments, and show the ideational precedents in China's foreign policy behavior. China, and highlights three core norms essential to such a conception - centralized control, territorial restoration, and (re)becoming a great power.