This is the eighth publication of the series titled ―Russia and the Deep Nuclear Disarmament‖, which is to be issued in the framework of joint project implemented by the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) and the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Inc. (NTI). It is based on the discussion at the conference held in IMEMP RAN on June 28, 2012. This research report was commissioned by the Nuclear Security Project (NSP) of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI). For more information see the NSP website at
The views expressed in this paper are entirely the authors' own and not those of the IMEMO or NSP.
Publications by IMEMO RAN are available at
By: Alexei G. Arbatov, Viktor I. Esin, Alexander A. Khramchikhin, Alexander V. Lukin, Vasily V. Mikheev
Chi 52 Prospects of China‘s participation in nuclear arms limitations. Edited by Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Sergey Oznobishchev – Moscow: IMEMO RAN, 2012. – 76 p.
ISBN 978-5-9535-0338-9