6: Zhong: Policy Memo: Nuclear Non-proliferation, Power Dynamics, and Regional Stability Revisited

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China’s Approach to Address Nuclear Crisis on Korea Peninsula

My paper aims to explore how China has trying to reconcile its key objectives and major national interests on the Peninsula which have to some extent strained its strategic options as well as China’s relations with major stakeholders in North East Asia region. On the basis of a closer exploration of security dynamics of nuclear crisis on Korea Peninsula and the implication of China’s responsive policy on the international outcomes as well as China’s relation with other stakeholders in the North East Asia, the paper is going to examine the ways to optimize China’ policy on nuclear crisis on Korea Peninsula. In framing the fundamental problems of China’s policy towards nuclear crisis on the Peninsula, the paper applies systems thinking and the way of complexity analysis. Developments of the elements for suggested strategy are to be based on an integrated analysis of the components and dynamics of the system and the assessments of pros and cons of the recommended options.