Fuentes Publishes Paper on When Economic Shocks Cause Industrial Policy Changes
Posted January 20, 2022
Alberto Fuentes, assistant professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, was the lead author on a recent paper published in The Journal of Development Studies. The paper is titled “Appetite for Reform: When do Exogenous Shocks Motivate Industrial Policy Change?” and was co-authored by Seth Pipkin of the University of California, Irvine.
In it, Fuentes and Pipkin discuss how it is that exogenous shocks can cause industrial policy change. They use Mexico and Brazil’s petroleum industries in the wake of the 1973 Oil Shock and 1982 Debt Crisis as case studies. Ultimately, they find that policy responses are shaped by how exogenous shocks interact with the goals of a paradigm shift and the resources available to quell dissident.
The full article can be read at https://doi.org/10.1080/00220388.2021.2017890.
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